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Ship provisioning
Ship provisioning
There are many ports in Spain and Portugal. These are locations where we deliver every week. This makes us aware of all the ins and outs in a port area. Being late is not an option, because then the ship already left the port. You also have to deal with customs regulations and paperwork that must be signed by the captain.
Everything must be done accurately and quickly. Our material for this type of transports has two temperature compartments and a side door. This allows us to transport all necessary materials (fresh products, textiles, consumer goods, etc.) for a ship. We can plan milk-runs, but we can also take care of your shipments via our groupage network.
If you want to know more about our work please contact us!
“By bi-temp trailers and side doors we have material at our disposal to take care of your ship provisioning”
(Jeroen de Vos; Location Manager Madrid)